Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2015


ROLL ON (liquid) to use 20 X

ONLY $ 59

Hajar Sa'adah
From the name we are somewhat "horrified" to hear. In Arabic "Black" means stone, while the "Hell" is one of the names of Hell. Perhaps so named because it is the enormity of the effects of this herb. Although in fact this is not the object of the actual stone but hardened sap taken from certain plants in Egypt. ? Sap is in such a way by experts in traditional medicine gatherers Egypt and in use to prevent the occurrence of premature ejaculation or premature ejaculation. Hajar function can make the skin Mr. P be ignorant temporally and reduce skin sensitivity and Mr. P when out Mrs.V ..? Until now, this stuff was known as a kind of preventive medicine for adult male premature ejaculation. Ignorant of the nature make temporary and reduce the sensitivity of the penis, so it is suitable to prolong the period associated seks.bahkan can be up to 3-5 hours .... Imagine !!
Based on the experiences of people - those who have had the opportunity to try it, it is true awesomeness of this herb for granted.
A traditional herb that is said to be used as a temporary anesthetic has been found Pharaonic, derived from the sap-getahan plants that only exist in Egypt. The item called Hajar Sa'adah


Hajar Sa'adah Liquid / Roll On, Apply a little Hajar Sa'adah Liquid to the top of the head Mr. P or applied in some areas that you think is most sensitive to make quick ejaculation, let stand for 30-45 minutes and then wash thoroughly with soap prior to intercourse. Then You Can Start Connect.

Again, do not forget to wash it first, because if not, it could be your spouse will feel the "heat" of his man beat this evil.

So, the secret is fulfilled mighty kings in the Pharaonic past, until Cleopatra and concubines can live happily with the king, it was thanks to the efficacy of this Sa'adah Hajar .. Superb .. Really !!!

? Hajar Sa'adah is a natural topical medication to overcome premature ejaculation. While Viagra is a "drug taken" to make a turn on, especially for the impotent. so the functions are different. Viagra has side effects and must be taken according to doctor's instructions and recipes. While Hajar hell is oles drugs outside the purely natural. Because it is used outside the body of this type of drug safety is good enough, that is, almost no risk of weight that must be borne by the user.

WARNING !!!? Hopefully, these products are not in the wrong use for adultery, immorality, etc. kaedah beyond religion. We disassociate ourselves from fraud you use this product.